... and in the absence of functioning Comments (which seem to have disappeared during my enforced awayness - all suggestions for a replacement welcome. Hey - how can you, without a Comments box?) even if anyone cared they'd be unable to steer me.
But do I go back to my original blogspot blog (which then took on the official domain until I let that lapse because of the fol-de-rol of FTP migration) and re-post my favourites here?
After all, I wrote (most of) them for me (although the Comments were great fun too)and it's my life (history)?
Just off to find a few new parentheses (have a think while I'm away?)
# posted by Mr.D. @ 1:39 pm

Oh my lord, look at the place- inches of dust! This is going to need a leaf-blower, not a vacuum cleaner!
My current employer doesn't block Blogger, but I've been so manically busy since I got TUPEd across to them last October, there's just been no time to get back into regular blogging.
But when this firm completes its sale to another company later this year, it'll mean I've had four employers in a year without changing job - and who knows what the new firm will allow/encourage/block?
Meanwhile - for the first time in almost 10 years, I can see the sky during the day, watch glorious sunrises and sunsets across the City of London from our 9th floor windows and watch Harris hawks being flown to scare away the flying rats that congregate around the building.
Anyway, a very rare treat the other day - I got a seat on the train on the commute into work (nigh on £4k per annum for a season ticket doesn't even guarantee me a perch in the luggage rack /rant.
Opposite me was a man in his early thirties and a grey suit. He had a long, narrow head and parchment skin leached of blood. A nail of a mouth sat under a triangular nose, above which a high forehead - topped by a small fringe of hair - housed two dead, grey, lifeless eyes - like a shark's.
Only the absence of a bolt through his neck stopped him from looking as if he was on his way to an audition for the part of Frankenstein's monster!
# posted by Mr.D. @ 9:43 am